Side Dishes

Fried Cauliflower Rice

I prefer Fried Cauliflower Rice over roasted cauliflower rice; however, I used to prefer fried rice over steamed rice, so I guess it makes sense I would love Fried Cauliflower Rice.  It’s just something about it, all the flavors seem to come together just perfect.  Every time we make it, it never seems like we have made enough even though we used it as a side dish for two meals.  Then when we are fixing the third meal I will think we can just have Fried Cauliflower Rice as a side and mom will inform me that we have eaten it all. But, me being stubborn will say; “NO! we have not” and walk over to the fridge.  Just to open it and discover that I had been wrong and we had consumed it all the night before.  I never admit I’m wrong though.  And mom just looks at me with a smile on her face.

Every time I eat Fried Cauliflower Rice I think I’m eating fried rice and I start to feel guilty, thinking that I should eat something healthier.  But it taste so good.  Then I realize that it is Fried Cauliflower Rice made with good oils and healthy ingredients and I’m proud of myself for making good food choices, and to reward myself for the good choices I’ve made I take another serving.

Link to Roasted Cauliflower Rice

One thing that we do a little different to our Fried Cauliflower Rice is that we add Bok Choy to ours.  Bok Choy is a strange looking cabbage that has the shape, of a head, of Romaine lettuce.  However, instead of the leaves curving inward they curve out.  Bok Choy has a mild flavor.  It also contains many vitamins, including A and C as well as calcium and iron.  Bok Choy is related to a cabbage and is actually a Chinese cabbage.

To begin we will need to follow the instructions for Roasted Cauliflower Rice.  The step-by-step guide can be found on our site here.  After we complete the Roasted Cauliflower Rice recipe we are now ready to make our Fried Cauliflower Rice.  I have personally found it easier to make the Roasted Cauliflower Rice the day before and on the next day make the Fried Cauliflower Rice.  But they can both be made the same day if preferred.

Step-by-step guide for Roasted Cauliflower Rice   

Again follow the instructions for the Roasted Cauliflower Ricefirst, then continue on with the following instructions.


Place the cast iron skillet on the eye (burner).  Put 1/4 to 1/2 cup of organic olive oil in the skillet.  Turn the eye on medium heat to warm up the olive oil and cast iron skillet. 

Remove the Roasted Cauliflower Rice from the fridge if you made it the day before, and set to the side.  Dice one medium onion and add to the skillet to caramelize.  Let the onion cook for 2 to 3 minutes turning with a spatula occasionally. 

Dice one large or two medium carrots.  To begin cut the carrot in half then cut in half lengthwise so that the carrots resemble matchsticks, dice the carrots into cubes.  Add the carrots to the skillet.  Don’t forget to mix the ingredients in the skillet with the spatula in-between chopping the vegetables and adding them to the skillet.

  Now dice four pieces of Bok Choy starting with the stalk and moving to the leaf portion.  Just to note: The stalk of the Bok Choy takes longer to tenderize than the leaf portion.  Add the Bok Choy to the skillet.  Let the vegetable mixture cook for about 5 to 7 minutes.  Allowing all the vegetables time to tenderize and the flavors to blend together nicely. 

Dip out the vegetable mixture from the skillet with a spoon leaving most of the olive oil behind in the skillet.  Place the vegetable mixture in a bowl and set aside for later.  Still with the skillet on the burner, on low to medium heat, break four eggs and cook in the skillet.  We want the eggs to be a soft scramble.  After the eggs are cooked add back in the vegetable mixture that was just removed from the skillet and the roasted cauliflower rice (we had removed from the fridge earlier). 

Blend all the ingredients together, allowing the rice to become thoroughly warmed throughout, on medium heat, for about 3 minutes.  Remove from the eye and serve in a bowl.  Make sure you turn the eye (burner) off.  Also, note the handle of a cast iron skillet gets hot so be sure to use a potholder when handing the handle of the cast iron skillet.  We hope that you enjoy the recipe as much as we do.  Cheers!!

Instructions for the Roasted Cauliflower Rice



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